Site Update: Films, Films, Films…

Something is wrong. Taken from blog "Popped Culture." Can't find the original site this came from.

So, since I watch so many movies, I’ve decided to start keeping a film log on here. I figure since I’m not posting more substantial material as often as I’d like, I might as well do this. Don’t expect plot synopses, critical analyses, or reviews that often: if I feel the film really deserves a review or critical analysis (i.e., if I can get myself to sit down and write out my thoughts), I’ll do so. But, otherwise, most often, I’ll prob just be posting the film and a star rating, maybe with a couple comments attached. Hope you enjoy!

Star ratings operate as follows:

* = Means don’t waste your time. This is an utter piece of garbage. This rating is mostly reserved for films that are so bad they piss me off.

** = Means it was pretty bad. Has a few redeeming qualities, but ultimately it’s probably not worth your time.

*** = Means the film was a decent film. Not anything well-conceived, but at least mildly entertaining.

**** = Means it was a pretty entertaining film, with some good direction and some thematic content that warrants a second thought, if not some theoretical analysis.

***** = Means the film is an easy favorite for me. If I give it five stars, I feel like it really deserves it. I use the five star rating sparingly, and only when I see a film that is truly auteur-ish in its design and production. I.E., if I give it five stars, I highly recommend it.


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