Archive for the Film Log Category

Film Log: “Invasion of the Bee Girls”

Posted in Film Log with tags , on November 8, 2010 by M3

Something is wrong. Promo poster for "Invasion of the Bee Girls," by Denis Sanders (1973).

Rating: **** Stars

Recommended by Malcolm over at Destructural to my friend Josef, with whom I watched this the other night. An entertaining and thematically engaging film. Good sexploitation with a sci-fi twist. All that you would expect from a good exploitation film: frequent and potentially pointless nudity, some good scenes of violence and gore, as well as some very bad acting and implausible story-writing. The contact lenses they use to indicate women as having joined the “bee women” are particularly creepy. Typical of most films of in the genre, one could apply a typically double-edged feminist reading: is this a narrative about women using their sexuality as a strategy to subvert and attack traditional patriarchal conceptions of womenhood and the men that would exploit it, or is this ultimately an expression of male fear: that women’s sexuality could ultimately be a threat, an intrinsic combination of ‘eros’ and ‘thanatos’. Very Freudian indeed.